General and Intuitive Eating FAQs
No. The only time you will ever hear any Body Image Fitness Professional talk about intentional weight loss or diets is when we are smashing diet culture to bits. This is a safe space away from that world. Here we focus on celebrating our here and now bodies. You can learn more about our approach here>>
Intuitive eating is a framework for shifting your attention away from external cultural and diet-related messages. Intuitive eating helps move you towards internal cues and signals, this is so you can nourish and care for your body in a way that it needs you to. Resulting in you feeling good. There are 10 principles of intuitive eating. They cover emotional, psychological and physical aspects of eating. Understanding them and incorporating them into your life can be a complete game changer for how you feel about food and your body. This will mean you have the freedom to spend your life in a way that brings your joy and fulfilment.
IE is not suitable for someone with an eating disorder. It’s intended to help heal your relationship with food and so consequently may be triggering for anyone with an eating disorder. We always say that if any of the sessions are becoming triggering to just let us know straight away so we can help you seek appropriate care.
Class FAQs
Please see the video for full instructions on how to do this via the App >>
Please see the link which takes you to a video explaining this in full >>
Start with lighter weights. You want to start with a weight that you can lift 10 to 15 times with proper form. Begin with 1 or 2 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, and slowly progress to 3 sets or more. If you are buying online, test this out with things you have around the house or go into a store and test them out. The main thing here is to listen to your body.
As a general rule;
Heavier weights are going to build strength
Lighter weights are going to build endurance.
Both dumb bells and kettlebells can be used for the classes we have.
You can have the camera on or off, whatever makes you feel comfortable. This is a safe space.
OD – This simply means that that particular class will be available On Demand shortly after the session. Please note it is still really important that you cancel the live session if you cannot make it.
NM – This simply means No Music (NM) will be played in the background during these sessions – a nod to our neurodiverse friends. We know music can be overwhelming / distracting for some so we are working to make our classes as inclusive as possible 🌈
member FAQs
Yes. You can do this by contacting us via email on We can do this once per 3 months for a maximum of 31 days.
Our online memberships run for a minimum of 8 months. Given our small team size, we require a 14-day notice for membership cancellations. It’s important to note that this notice period might result in charges extending into the following month. Contact